
Stabilization and analysis of urine-dominated substrates for development as liquid fertilizers for energy crops (AMEDITEC)


Thüringer Ministerium für Infrastruktur und Landwirtschaft

Federal State



Werner-Seelenbinder-Str. 8
99096 Erfurt

Website: External link to the authority

Project Title

Stabilization and analysis of urine-dominated substrates for development as liquid fertilizers for energy crops (AMEDITEC)

Project description

In addition to antibiotics, various medications are used therapeutically or preventively in modern animal husbandry to protect animals. When farm manure (especially the urine fraction) is applied, these and their metabolites reach the cultivated areas and can contaminate crops, soil and groundwater. The development of innovative analytics is an essential prerequisite for the detection of active substances in farm manure in soil and plants as well as with regard to their degradation. In addition to investigating the use of animal, urine-dominated substrates before and after innovative stabilization as a direct liquid fertilizer for energy crops (NawaRo), the object and objectives of the project are more targeted fertilization and the further development of a low-emission, farm-specific application procedure and technique.

Status of the report

2024-03-06 13:05:12

Results focusing on practiceorientation

Process engineering approaches for agro-biotechnological treatment stages of farm manure that can be implemented on farms and significantly reduce the concentrations of veterinary pharmaceuticals and their degradation products in farm manure were identified and developed on a laboratory and small-scale. Practical advice and guidance on the selection of pharmaceuticals, straw dunging and storage conditions, including reduction of the liquid content and the resulting preferred application of the manure as a solid, can be given. A robust HPLC-MS measurement method was developed to detect non-antibiotic active substances.

Key words

  • Plant nutrients
  • Soil
  • Circular economy, incl. waste, by-products and residues
  • Biodiversity and nature

Main funding source

Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups (in the sense of Art 56 of Reg.1305/2013)

OG contact information

Materialforschungs- und prüfanstalt an der Bauhaus–Universität Weimar
Coudraystr. 9
99423 Weimar

Phone: +49 (0) 3643 564352


Type of OG partners

  • Farmer
  • Researcher
  • Industry

Begin of project


Project status


Total budget applied for in EUR


Further information

2017 LFE 0002

Link 1

Project poster


DEG05 - Weimar, Kreisfreie Stadt

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