
System solution for environmentally compatible and optimised P-fertilization on arable land


Thüringer Ministerium für Infrastruktur und Landwirtschaft

Federal State



Werner-Seelenbinder-Str. 8
99096 Erfurt

Website: External link to the authority

Project Title

System solution for environmentally compatible and optimised P-fertilization on arable land

Project description

The project includes the development, testing and introduction into agricultural practice of a system that combines optimised mineral P-fertilization on arable land with reduction or prevention of phosphorus loss and transport into surface water due to water erosion. The novelty of the procedure is the combination of an optimised, site-specific P-fertilization with procedures of water protection. Thus, a resource-saving and efficient P-nutrition is ensured by site-specific fertilization whilst considering P-outputs on areas vulnerable to water erosion. Geodata have to be integrated into the process.
Furthermore, a novelty is the improved quantification of plant available phosphorus in soil by additional methods compared with standard analysis. The adviced P-quantities for practical, site-specific fertilization include information on: yield potential, plant available phosphorus content in soil, estimation of  site-specific potential of soil loss due to water erosion, and deduction of procedures preventing soil und P loss. Proposals to minimise risks of erosion are made for areas with high soil loss potential.

Results focusing on practiceorientation

The P release rate is recommended as an additional method to the CAL method (standard method for determining the plant-available phosphate in soils). On soils with a medium phosphate supply and a medium to high P release rate, there is potential for savings in P use that are economically and environmentally relevant. Areas with a combination of low P supply and low P release rate are considered as depleted. Positive yield effects on P fertilization are very likely. The additional determination of the P storage capacity and the degree of P saturation is suitable for shale and red sandstone weathered soils, but also for loess, quaternary gravel, shell limestone and Zechstein limestone weathered soils as well as moorland with a low P release rate. Statements can be made about the fixation and immobilization of phosphorus in the soil. The farmer can thus specify the type of fertilizer, fertilizer application rates and fertilization dates.

Key words

  • Outdoor horticulture and woody crops (incl. viticulture, olives, fruit, ornamentals)
  • Plant nutrients
  • Soil
  • Water
  • Circular economy, incl. waste, by-products and residues

Main funding source

Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups (in the sense of Art 56 of Reg.1305/2013)

OG contact information

JenaBios GmbH
Löbstedter Str. 80
07749 Jena

Phone: +49 (0) 3641 2423448


Type of OG partners

  • Farmer
  • Advisor
  • Researcher

Begin of project


Project status


Total budget applied for in EUR


Further information

2018 LFE 0003

Link 1

project poster



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