
Regional wild seed mixtures for flowering areas and field margins in Thuringia


Thüringer Ministerium für Infrastruktur und Landwirtschaft

Federal State



Werner-Seelenbinder-Str. 8
99096 Erfurt

Website: External link to the authority

Project Title

Regional wild seed mixtures for flowering areas and field margins in Thuringia

Project description

The Operational Group project aims to provide species-rich wildflower mixtures with regional typical composition and local origin for use in agriculture and structural land management. Currently, standard mixtures are offered that are not organically propagated. This is where the REGIO-SAAT project comes in: The OG REGIO-SAAT intends to propagate wildflowers locally and ecologically in multiple generation sequence.(organically and local produced flower mixtures.) A genetic differentiation and local adaptation should be the result of this development process. In the long term, the project expects site-robust and climatically adaptable seeds with the high growth potential in its region. In addition, the cooperation looks at the interactions between cultivated and native wild plants. Wildflower mixtures have a positive effect on beneficial insects as well as a phytosanitary effect on the soil. Accordingly, they can promote crop health, yield stability and quality, and have a notable impact on the sustainability of good agricultural practice.

Final report

Results and the Final report will be found here, as soon as the project is completed.

Results focusing on practiceorientation

  • Provision of organically produced regional seed for use in organic farms as required by law. So far, the supply for this is lacking in Central Germany - thereby reduction of exemptions for organic farms to use conventional seed due to proven unavailability of organic seed
  • Establishment of an organic seed multiplication and breeding in Central Germany with the aim of founding a producer association
  • Development of a completely new system for the provision of seed mixtures (farm-specific and site-adapted instead of standardized mixtures) with the involvement of agricultural expertise and science - thus much better adaptation of the flowering strips to the respective topo-graphical and climatic conditions and thus significant reduction of costly incorrect sowings

Key words

  • Biodiversity and nature
  • Landscape/land management

Main funding source

Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups (in the sense of Art 56 of Reg.1305/2013)

OG contact information

Rose Saatzucht Erfurt
Im Geströdig 9
99092 Erfurt

Phone: 01777852211.


Type of OG partners

  • Farmer
  • Industry
  • Climate/environment/nature organisation or agency

Begin of project


Project status


Total budget applied for in EUR


Further information

2021 LFE 0008

Link 1

project poster

Link 2

project website



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