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Robotic weed control


Ministerium für Energiewende, Landwirtschaft, Umwelt, Natur und Digitalisierung des Landes Schleswig-Holstein

Federal State



Mercatorstraße 3
24106 Kiel

Website: External link to the authority

Project Title

Robotic weed control

Project description

The aim of the project is the further development of an existing prototype (Bonirob) for automatic weed control of organic carrots from 1-lane to 8-lane operation. In the project, the system is developed taking into account user-friendliness, area performance and costs for practical use. The prototype system with detection and destruction units is duplicated and parallelized with special consideration of the multi-module solution.

To achieve area performance, user-friendliness and practical use, the OG processes the building blocks: parallelization, development of an 8-track system, which is attached to a towing vehicle and successively increased performance through IT innovations. The work on the farms takes place in three phases: start-up of the newly developed towing vehicle infrastructure, field test of the integrated overall system and evaluation of the new system in terms of quality, area performance, as well as economic and environmental aspects.

Status of the report

2024-02-19 14:24:48

Results focusing on practiceorientation

The initial results from 2020 showed that the current weed control equipment does not remove all weed sizes equally well. Therefore, the evaluation of the 2021 results was divided into the following three categories: small, medium and large weeds. By dividing the weeds into three growth sizes, it was found that an accuracy of 81% can be achieved when using the robot in the first four weeks after sowing. In this phase, the robot outperforms the human assistant. If this result is compared with that of 2021, there is an increase of approx. 26 %. It turned out that the total costs for operating the robot system are only a fraction of the costs for manual labour.

Key words

  • Equipment and machinery
  • Outdoor horticulture and woody crops (incl. viticulture, olives, fruit, ornamentals)
  • Soil

Main funding source

Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups (in the sense of Art 56 of Reg.1305/2013)

OG contact information

Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum Fachhochschule Kiel GmbH
Fritz-Thiedemann-Ring 20
25746 Heide

Phone: 0481/8555-320

Email: hussmann@fh-westkueste.de

Type of OG partners

  • Farmer
  • Advisor
  • Researcher

Begin of project


Project status


Total budget applied for in EUR


Link 1

project website of EIP Agrar SH



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