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Use of composts made of biowaste and treated compost in organic potato production


Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz

Federal State

Lower Saxony and Bremen


Calenberger Straße 2
30169 Hannover

Website: External link to the authority

Project Title

Use of composts made of biowaste and treated compost in organic potato production

Project description

The project has the intention to develop application-suggestions for the use of composts in organic potato-production. Bio-waste-composts should be established as a regular fertilizer in organic farming and farmers inhibition thresholds for the use of composts should be overcome. Within this project a network of composting plants should be organized, which can deliver high quality composts, that are compliant to the guidelines of organic farming.T he project partners bring in their experience and their knowledge about composts and organic farming. On four involved farms, there will be conducted compost experiments in three successive years. Different variations of composts will be compared. The experiments should demonstrate the influence of the compost application on the yield and on the quality of the potatoes. A better understanding of the effects of compost applications on plants and soil should be generated. The results will be presented in annual compost-workshops. There will also be public relations on the to sensitize for the subject of compost-quality.

Results focusing on practiceorientation

The Project “Use of composts made of biowaste and treated compost in organic potato production” takes place in the EIP-program with the intention to develop application-suggestions for the use of composts in organic potato-production. In 3 successive years the operational group carried out field trials on 4 organic farms in Lower Saxony. They put up to 4 different composts in potatoes and compared the yields. The results showed, that the use of compost, no matter which kind, can be worth in organic potato growing, especially sandy soils. Even in the following crop, fava beans, the compost-effects appeared in higher yields. The operational group showed, that there are high-quality composts available on the market, that can be used in organic farming and many informations on compost-application were brought together. These Informations and the results of the field trials were presented in annual workshops. At the end of the project a booklet with all the... (see final report)

Key words

  • Plant nutrients
  • Soil
  • Arable crops

Main funding source

Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups (in the sense of Art 56 of Reg.1305/2013)

OG contact information

Kompetenzzenrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen GmbH
Bahnhofstr. 15b
27374 Visselhövede

Phone: 04262/959373

Email: c.grieshop@oeko-komp.de

Type of OG partners

  • Farmer
  • Advisor
  • Researcher
  • Industry
  • Climate/environment/nature organisation or agency

Begin of project


Project status


Total budget applied for in EUR


Further information

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Projektseite und im Praxisblatt.

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