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Vespa velutina - Regionally adapted monitoring and management strategies for the Asian hornet in Hesse


Hessisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Klimaschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz

Federal State



Mainzer Straße 80
65189 Wiesbaden

Website: External link to the authority

Project Title

Vespa velutina - Regionally adapted monitoring and management strategies for the Asian hornet in Hesse

Project description

The Asian hornet is an invasive species that is increasingly spreading in Hesse. It poses a major threat to bee colonies and therefore to beekeeping and agriculture, as insufficient pollination means qualitative and quantitative losses. It is not yet known what agro-ecological and economic effects the invasive, highly adaptable species will have under Hessian conditions. The project aims to assess the damage potential of the A. hornet for Hessian beekeeping, fruit growers and the biodiversity of the pollinator world and to enable a practice-orientated investigation of the species for advisory services. Information on the biology of the A. hornet under local climatic conditions and the damage to beekeeping and agriculture will be recorded and innovative monitoring methods tested. Results include the development of innovative defence and management methods as well as the evaluation of already developed methods of monitoring and nest finding and the testing and further development of defence measures at the apiary.

Final report

Results and the Final report will be found here, as soon as the project is completed.

Key words

Outdoor horticulture and woody crops (incl. viticulture, olives, fruit, ornamentals)

Main funding source

Rural development 2023-2027 for Operational Groups (in the sense of Art 127 of Reg. 2021/2115)

OG contact information

Comunis Projektbüro
Binsförther Straße 26
34326 Morschen

Phone: +49 5664 930968

Email: judith.treis@comunis-projektbuero.de

Type of OG partners

  • Farmer
  • Advisor
  • Researcher

Begin of project


Project status


Total budget applied for in EUR


Link 1

Project Overview


DE735 Schwalm-Eder-Kreis

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