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Silicon fertilisation to increase drought resilience in winter wheat winter wheat, maize and grassland in Hesse.


Hessisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Klimaschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz

Federal State



Mainzer Straße 80
65189 Wiesbaden

Website: External link to the authority

Project Title

Silicon fertilisation to increase drought resilience in winter wheat winter wheat, maize and grassland in Hesse.

Project description

Periods of drought are becoming more frequent due to climate change. Fertilisation with silicon (Si) can contribute to this and increase the drought resistance of various cereals. However, an evaluation of Si fertilisation as a practical crop cultivation measure, particularly for Central European and German growing regions, does not yet exist. The aim of the project is therefore to investigate the benefits of Si fertilisation for yield stabilisation of the important crops winter wheat, silage maize and grassland in Hesse under drought stress under local cultivation conditions and to gather practical experience with Si fertilisation. To this end, three-year plot trials will be carried out with the three crops and strip trials will be conducted on five farms in order to assess the practical suitability of Si fertilisation. The Si uptake of the plants and Si effects on drought stress resistance will be related to the Si reserves in the soil. The result should be an economic evaluation of the various tested Si fertiliser variants on the basis of the data collected.

Final report

Results and the Final report will be found here, as soon as the project is completed.

Key words

  • Soil
  • Arable crops

Main funding source

Rural development 2023-2027 for Operational Groups (in the sense of Art 127 of Reg. 2021/2115)

OG contact information

Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen- Professur für Pflanzenernährung
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26-32
35392 Gießen

Phone: 0641 99-39160

Email: jakob.santner@agrar.uni-giessen.de

Type of OG partners

  • Farmer
  • Advisor
  • Researcher

Begin of project


Project status


Total budget applied for in EUR


Link 1

Project Overview



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